Wednesday, January 9, 2013

100-200 Words

For this blog, we (all eight of us taking ART 590) are assigned a blog. And, with this blog comes great responsibility because we shall employ our dynamic wit and typing fingers to slay the task at hand, namely--write about "news on the art scene; philosophical, ethical, or aesthetic concepts; or, current news/events relating to" culture, and create art (pictures, etcetera). I type this more for your benefit than mine, as I'm probably boring you out of your chair. So . . . let us begin. :)

Philosophical, Ethical, or Aesthetic Concept: What is art?

“A lot of the time, art is idea.” –Ying Kit (Professor at Hite Art Insitute).

What is art?

As defined by a regular ole dictionary, “Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination…esteemed for its emotional power.” It’s interesting to note that art is an abstract, not a concrete thing (not the surface value of a child’s finger painting).

Art, though, at its core, is a malleable construct, something with the power to move and influence. In contemporary subjects, art becomes philosophy, as philosophy is art. The two can be explanations of the other. Art is the execution of thought to encourage thought. There is always meaning behind art because art is meaningful by nature.

This brings to mind the question of Jackson Pollock’s “art” . . . which I’ll probably ramble about next time. . . .



    Hey! This is the book I was telling you about today. Like I said, we're just now starting to read it for philosophy, so I can't really tell you a synopsis of it, but it seems to go well with what you posted!

  2. That's so neat. I really like the concept of that said "to realize what art is, we must take each work of art on its own terms." Nice. Thanks, Rachel!
